The Exiled

Tribes Ascend
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Author:  TE-Hybrd$n!pr [ Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribes Ascend

Well thats good to hear, I was really hoping they would allow modding.

Author:  TE-Hybrd$n!pr [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribes Ascend ... -xbox-live

Hi-Rez has put the Xbox Live Version On the back burner for next year,

Author:  TE-Hybrd$n!pr [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribes Ascend

Hi-Rez Just Released this on there Forums

Game Types - One of the first game types we will offer within Tribes: Ascend is Capture The Flag (CTF) with Bases & Generators.

- The objectives of CTF are twofold: capture the enemy's flag and protect your own flag. A flag is capped when a player successfully takes the enemy flag and touches it to his own team's flag.

- In addition, each team has a Base containing a Generator which powers equipment in and around that Base. The Tribes franchise introduced the concept of a Base that is much more than simply a location on the map. The Base includes permanent fixtures that can be disabled by the enemy and repaired by defenders.

- In the current build of Tribes: Ascend, example Base equipment includes: Inventory Stations (visit these to refill your ammo &/or change to any other unlocked Load Out), Vehicle Stations, Base Turrets, Base Sensors, and of course the Generator itself. Many player load-outs include other equipment that can be deployed to protect their team Base or in support of attacking the enemy Base. So, while the primary objective is to capture the flag; the Generator is an important supporting objective. Destroy the other team's Generator and you disable certain functions of their Base.

Game Rule Settings - We plan to implement server configuration flags & settings for players wanting Game Rules different from our default.

- As one example, server configuration could support different Game Rule options around what happens when the Generator is down. Examples would include: Vehicle Station disabled YES or NO, Inventory Stations disabled YES or NO, Increase Respawn Time YES or NO. Or a game-wide option for: Health Regen YES or NO. These are all just examples, NOT committed features, but these are the type of configurable Game Rule we plan to offer over time based on community request.

- This way, players and clans wanting a different set of Game Rules can opt for private servers and can configure the server settings as they see fit.

Match Types - We plan to offer three types of matches:

1. Pub Matches - Designed to support Casual Play.
The jump-in and play mentality. This queue will be configured with the Game Rule server options that are best for for public play. As an example - the generator going down will almost certainly NOT restrict someone's ability to change load-outs in Pub play.

2. Ranked Matches - Designed to support Competitive Play.
Player's performance rating is tracked. This queue will likely have some different or additional configured Game Rules compared to Pub matches. Will likely require a certain player rank in order to join (in order to ensure a higher caliber play AND meaningful consequence for any accounts caught cheating)

3. Private Matches - Designed to support Custom Play.
Players & clans may opt for a private server option. YOU control who can play in these matches and you configure the game server options. The number of exposed Game Rule server options will start out small but grow over time assuming there is in fact continued demand and usage of Private Matches.

With this structure our goal is to:
- maintain the very high, and satisfying, learning curve that has always characterized Tribes (thru Ranked Matches)
- yet still introduce the game to millions of potential Tribes fans who never played the previous Tribes games (thru Pub Matches)
- and also support a desire for certain custom Game Rules from veteran communities and clans (thru Private Matches)

Reading over this makes be believe that we might be able to Revamp all the mods back into it, Which would be awesome. Can u imagine how Annihilation would look and play in this new game, Would be Siickkk.

Author:  TE-Krogoth [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribes Ascend

I didn't see anything about deployables mentioned.

I'm going to start looking into Unreal level editting and see about getting the classic ctf maps to work in Unreal.

Author:  TE-Hybrd$n!pr [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribes Ascend

Well They don't say anything, BUT from what it sounds like, there might be Text Files that we can edit to adjust server settings. We might be able to use the Text files like before to mod the weapons, Deployments, Repair times, Strength. so on and so on. There Might Be a chance to use that to our advantage. May not be anni but we might be able to have our own mod on our own server if we can edit those kinds of fields.

Author:  TE-Krogoth [ Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribes Ascend

New video, this is from Quakecon.


Author:  TE-Hybrd$n!pr [ Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribes Ascend

new gameplay video just added to the page ... id=6327764

Author:  TE-Krogoth [ Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribes Ascend

It's lookin' good.

Author:  TE-Hybrd$n!pr [ Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribes Ascend

Yah i know im excited to play it.

Ive read a couple things saying they have slowed down the game movement (ie Jetpacks, ski'ing) and if your used to using the disc launcher to launch you across the map, it wont be happening, i guess they have really weakened the blast radius

But ive also read that its got a VERY similar feel to our beloved T1

Author:  TE-Krogoth [ Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tribes Ascend

The latest issue of PC Gamer ran an article on Tribes Ascend. There wasn't too much new info, but it mentions that there will be a tank, the mortar, the grenade launcher, the sniper rifle, the spinfusor, and a "new" weapon that fires three grenades sequentionally that detonate with a short delay. Sounds like the mini bomber from the Annihilation mod. Vehicles have to be earned by "doing good things in the match" to earn in-game money. Looks like you will have to pay real money for more new weapons, cosmetic items, and extra loadout slots.

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